. you might like to know that under the heading of "Sarah Palin on Foreign Policy" at the On The Issues site . � Reflections on "The Speech" | Main | Palin the wingnut � August 29, 2008
It won't be long now before pundits begin tallying up the winners and losers of today's New Hampshire primary. Heck, some of the conventional wisdom is probably typed up and .
Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? At OnTheIssues.org, you can see the view of every
candidate on every issue.
Special issue for the 40 th anniversary of the Foreign Policy Institute . COPYRIGHT � 2008 FOREIGN POLICY INSTITUTE
Center for American Progress Action Fund | Progressive Ideas for a Strong, Just, and Free America
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Identifies multiple issues which America faces today and then proceeds to provide each candidate position in their own words on each issue, with quotations from past speeches .
Tired of media reports of fundraising and foreign policy issues 2008 poll results instead of policy issues? At OnTheIssues.org, you can see the view of every candidate on every issue.
Nader favors a two-state solution and believes that the United States needs to highlight the broad and deep peace movement in Israel and its counterparts among Palestinians and .
Soaring demand for energy from emerging nations like China and India and rising resource nationalism in energy-rich countries like Russia are among the factors making this a .
(Reuters) - The next U.S. president, whether it is Democrat Barack Obama or Republican John McCain, will foreign policy issues 2008 face a full plate of foreign policy challenges. Here are .
The US media has given some much need attention to the US Presidential candidates
America is also dealing with the effects of foreign policy decisions that have isolated us
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